How To Make Paneer Sabji (पनीर की सब्जी कैसे बनाये)

  • Paneer - पनीर, 
  • Potato - आलू, 
  • Tomato - टमाटर, 
  • Malai - मलाई, 
  • Cumin Powder- जीरा पाउडर, 
  • Coriander Powder- धनिया पाउडर, 
  • Salt - नमक, 
  • Turmeric - हल्दी, 
  • Red Chili Powder - लाल मिर्च पाउडर, 
  • Green Chili - हरी मिर्च, 
  • Chopped Onion - कटा हुआ प्याज, 
  • Garlic - Ginger Paste - लहसुन अदरक पेस्ट, 
  • Bay leaf - तेज पत्ता, 

Cooking Duration - 20 Minutes

Step 1: Fry Small Potato Pieces in Cooking Oil
Step 2: Heat PAN and add cooking oil
Step 3: Add 1-2 number of bay leaf, cumin (खड़ा ज़ीरा) , Chopped Onion, Green Chili and                          Garlic-Zinger Paste and stir till golden brown
Step 4: Now Add Cumin Powder, Coriander Powder, Salt, Red Chili Powder and Turmeric                    Powder and mix it for 3-4 minutes
Step 5: Now Mix fried Potato Pieces and  raw Paneer Pieces and cook for 2-3 minutes
Step 6: Now add some water and cook for 2 minutes
Step 7: Now add 2-3 tbsps malai and cook for 2 minutes
